The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years

Chapter 436: Uncomfortable Truth (3)

Jamie summarized the information he heard. First, the current world was the second one.

And above all, this part was unclear.

There was a possibility of other worlds having the same problems as this. Besides, the first one failed, and the current one was where he was.

Second, there was one pillar in all parallel dimensions.

The hypothesis that could be made here was that the reason why the parallel world could be created was with the power of the pillar.

According to Gaia, if the pillar were destroyed, it would affect this world as well. And this was probably right because it was the same as saying it had a direct influence on the entire universe.

Thirdly, the character of Ra in the failed world and the current world changed.

Ra, who did nothing in the failed world, is now too active in the current world. This could be seen as a butterfly effect that changed depending on who the opponent was.

It was a part where Ra seemed too obsessed with Jamie Welton.

Fourth, how did Gaia make the parallel world?

The failed world was in Ra’s grasp. It was the same as saying that the pillar in that world was in Ra’s hand.

According to Jamie’s thoughts, it was impossible to create another world in a parallel dimension without using the power of the pillar she was trying to protect.

And it was impossible for Gaia, who didn’t have the same position in the past, to do that.

So Jamie was convinced that Gaia was hiding something from him.


‘If it was Ra who had taken the initiative in the failed world… there is no way he could interfere with what happens in the other parallel worlds.’

He wasn’t certain, but based on the information he had, he had come to the conclusion that if Ra used the pillar’s power, he could be omnipotent.

In other words, Ra of the failed world had to be omniscient. Even so, if he couldn’t interfere with the other worlds in the parallel worlds, there was just one case.

‘He cannot use the power of the pillar.’

To be precise, it was no longer usable. So why?

Gaia created the world by using its power. But Ra couldn’t?

It could be something that couldn’t be done, but Jamie had other thoughts.

He didn’t know how to use it.

‘So he is trying to catch Gaia.’

Other than Jamie, Ra was also obsessed with Gaia.

At first, he thought that Gaia had to disappear for Ra to have dominance over the land, so that was his motive for wanting to capture her. But hearing all that, his thoughts changed.

After organizing all those thoughts, Jamie came to a conclusion.

He looked at Gaia and said,

“You, just like the pillar, are one and only.”

What Gaia said made sense, but one thing was missing, and that missing thing continued to contradict what she said.

Things like creating a parallel world and looking for new chances.

Ra’s power was above Gaia, but he couldn’t capture her because she was an independent existence that only existed in this world.

In the failed world, Gaia made another parallel world with the power of the pillar and fled, so Ra wasn’t sure how to get her or use the power of the pillar.

Which was why he couldn’t interfere with the other worlds.

“Am I wrong?”

Gaia didn’t speak.

Jamie continued to talk as he watched her.

“I thought it was strange. Why didn’t Ra interfere with the other worlds even though he had overtaken the failed world? However, if you are an independent entity, I can understand it. It isn’t that the Ra there didn’t do anything, but that he couldn’t do anything. Because your existence vanished there.”


“That is why the Ra of this world is trying to catch you. Anyway, even in this world, he knows about the pillar, so he will need you to use that power.”

Ra was probably aware of the failed world, and he knew that Gaia and Diablo had made a contract.

Gaia said the space Diablo was sealed in was inside the pillar, which meant that Ra could also tamper with it to some extent.

However, it was just a small part, and he couldn’t affect the parallel world.

So he needed Gaia.

“I think the hypothesis is great, even if I think about it.”

Gaia didn’t answer right away, and Jamie waited.

After a while, Gaia opened her mouth.

[That is right. I am just one.]

“Do you mean my theory is right?”

[Yes. It is all correct. I didn’t expect you to know this much.]

“It’s a magician’s thing. And also an outstanding one.”

Magicians were known to live on theory and logic, and Jamie lived the longest life and was the greatest magician. And given the information, he could come up with an accurate theory.

“Then, now that it is clear, say what you have to say.”

[How did I avoid the eyes of Ra and use the power of the pillar?]

“That is a weak thought. It is a matter of no concern this time.”

Gaia tilted her head, and Jamie asked,

“Why didn’t you remove Ra using the power of the pillar? Or was there a reason for you not to?”

The power it held should be enormous enough to create a world. And with that much power, she could surely take Ra down.

And what was more? Gaia was the Goddess of Beginning.

Why did she run away?

Gaia said,

[I couldn’t do that.]

“And the reason?”

[What you said is right.]

“What I said was….”

Jamie frowned, wondering what the correct answer would be, and nodded as if he realized it.

“As expected, it seems that Ra can handle the power to some extent.”

[Yes, Ra can already use it to some extent. So he knows your secret.]

“That isn’t enough to affect the parallel world. What about the Ra in this world?”

For Ra, this place was not any different from the failed world, so he could continue with the same pattern.

[He has some influence, but not as much as in the previous world.]

“I see.”

He roughly expected it.

It was pretty disturbing, though. If the already strong Ra used the pillar’s power, their odds of winning would be greatly reduced.

He needed to be stronger here. However, getting stronger than his current level was not an easy matter.

Jamie turned and carried his sister, who hadn’t regained consciousness yet.

[Are you planning to leave?]

“Because there is nothing more for me to hear.”

He found out everything Gaia was hiding. There must be something else that she hadn’t told him, but he didn’t care.

He got all that he needed, and he didn’t have to see her until the fight with Ra ended.

And he didn’t want to see her.

Because she was the one who changed the entire fate of the Welton family, he didn’t like her.

Rather, if he stayed any longer…

“Gaia. Just one more warning.”

[Go on.]

[Do not try to be my enemy.]

Even though she wasn’t right, he could understand her feelings, so he just skipped over that part.

If she crossed the line again, Jamie couldn’t imagine how he would turn against her. And he knew it wouldn’t end peacefully like now.

Jamie tore through the space and went out, and Gaia closed her eyes as she watched the space close again.

“Is the discussion over?”

While sitting on a chair, Venus greeted him as he came out. Jamie glanced at her as he walked to the exit.

“Leaving without having fun?”



Jamie, who was walking, stopped and warned her with his purple eyes.

“Do not think you can be a bystander forever.”


“You think you can hide forever in this space?”

“I think so.”

“Then that is disappointing. I have nothing to say.”

Jamie turned his head and made his way out while Venus lowered her lips, which were smiling at a dissatisfied one.

“What is up with him?”

How long would she be a bystander?

A lifetime.

Even if Ra came here, she was confident of defeating him. She was invincible, but just here.

So why did she look like this?

‘Huh. Funny one. Who is he to be disappointed in me?’

No one could bother her here.

“It seems that he wants me to join the war, but I cannot do that. On that day, just by allowing him to use the power of this place, I was already involved in the war. Overcome your hardships on your own, Diablo. Or just die.”

Venus giggled and laughed, but it didn’t last long. Jamie’s words continued to linger in her mind.

Coming out, Jamie laid Sarah in a room that only he could enter.

If it was here, as long as they were in the Black Tower, even Ra couldn’t do anything.

But just in case, he applied another shield throughout the room.

Then he went out, went to where the throne was, and stood in front of it.

It was where he had been sitting all this time until today.

“I don’t need this.”

The Black Tower didn’t need a king. Jamie reached for it and destroyed the throne.

And he stood where the throne was and snapped his fingers.

At that moment, countless lights flickered behind him, and a huge number of people had been summoned.

“You called?”

Among them was Jormungand, a woman with black hair until her calves, who knelt down on one knee and asked Jamie.

Jamie turned around.

He looked at the faces of those who had gathered. They were all familiar faces, and most of them were those who gathered to subdue Ra. In addition to that, there were the demons that he brought from the Devildom.

Abset, the demon noble under the command of the Demon King of Wrath, and Galakios, the wandering demon, who was nothing less than the Demon King—they were all famous ones.

They were his subordinates, and they were more intoxicated with the power of the Demon King than he was.

Jamie looked around them in silence before opening his mouth.

“I am not Diablo Volfir.”

“… Lord?”

At those sudden words, everyone except Ricky, Isis, and Beiros was shocked.

“Lord, what nonsense is this so suddenly?”

Behemoth, who was on Ricky’s head, asked in shock.

Jamie continued talking rather than answering.

“Diablo Volfir is dead. I killed him.”

The entire hall was a mess. It was all too sudden.

What did he mean by saying that Diablo Volfir died while he was standing right in front of them?

Galakios, who wanted to say something, frowned.

“Have you gone insane?”

“Be careful with your words, beast.”

Abset, who was loyal, stepped out at Galakios’s words.

Jamie gestured to him to say it was alright, but Abset still continued to glare.

Jamie continued,

“I am not crazy. I wasn’t wrong. I killed Diablo Volfir.”

“Then who are you?”

Hiyan asked with a frown. She, who had been preoccupied with the World Tree, was more confused now.

And the others as well.

“It is just as I said. The guy who abandoned all his emotions to be a monster no longer exists here.”

“That means….”

“I am Jamie Welton.”

At those words, everyone except the demons was shocked. The demons didn’t understand what it was about.

Jamie smiled at them.

“So we are back to square one. And a tower built in such a mess cannot defeat Ra. So we will start over.”

“Start over how?”

Jamie looked at Abset, who asked.

“A horizontal one. Rather than the ruthless vertical one that went according to the Demon King, I plan to make one where everyone can speak out their opinions.”

“Uh…? But…”

“Right. So it’s not ‘King.’”

“Demon King.”

Abset looked worried.

Jamie corrected him.

“There is no more Demon King, Abset. My name is Jamie Welton. And I exist to bring down the Sun God.”

Did he feel something from those words?

Abset’s eyes trembled.

On the other hand, Galakios smiled broadly. There was no particular reason.

“Now it sounds like the war is coming.”

Galakios was a demon who only came here to fight.

Since he wasn’t loyal to the King in the first place, it didn’t matter if Jamie was a Demon King or not.

And the fact that he could fight the strong only excited him.

“Right. Now we will approach it. The war.”

In this world.

No. The final war with the transcendents of the universe would begin.

Jamie walked into the middle of them.

“Notify everyone in the Black Tower. The return of Jamie Welton. Declare it to our enemies. The world will be free again.”

No one answered.

However, everyone could feel the heat rising.

Their blood was boiling.

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