VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1407: Can We Not

Chapter 1407: Can We Not

The Dragonscale Battle Tigers swarmed toward us from every direction like a tidal wave, their roars deafening enough to tear the sky itself. The sky was also crawling with Spear-throwing Flyers, and it almost looked like the riders were herding the tigers toward us.

"You know…"

Li Chengfeng’s eyelid twitched. "I have a bad feeling that these tigers are even stronger than the Devil Blood Mad Leopards…"

I nodded in confirmation. "Unfortunately, you are correct. The Dragonscale Battle Tiger’s Attack is about 2% higher than the Devil Blood Mad Leopards’, and they also know Stormwind Blood Claw. They also have a passive, Shield of Dragon Bones, and it increases their Defense by 20%. Long story short, they’re way harder to kill than the Devil Blood Mad Leopards. However, the true threat of this super wave is above our heads, the Spear-throwing Flyers. We will have to rely on our Holy Mages and Dragonlight Archers to fight them. Fight hard and pray just as hard. This fight is going to be every man for themself."

Gui Guzi gulped. "Is our ranged party even strong enough to win against them?"

On the rampart, Lil Beiming answered, "We don’t have a choice, do we? If we’re strong enough, then all is well. If we aren’t, we still must fight until the bitter end!"

I smiled approvingly. "Well said. See, Beiming’s resolve is way better than yours, Little Gui!"

Embarrassed, Gui Guzi changed the topic and asked, "By the way, should we dragon knights fly to the sky and engage the Spear-throwing Flyers in an epic battle when they hit us later?"

I made a rough calculation in my head before answering, "You can try, but at least 100 Spear-throwing Flyers will be able to hit you for 150k damage each. Your Undying Shield will absorb half of that as HP, but that is still 8 million damage in total. That is not accounting for their active skills either. Overall, they can deal almost 20 million damage to you in an instant. How many lives do you think you need to be able to survive the whole wave, Little Gui?"

Gui Guzi shuddered. "I think I’ll fight on the ground, thank you…"

Li Chengfeng laughed. "Yes, a wise man submits to circumstances…"

On the walls, Moonlight Stone grimaced. "Why… why is it that every time our executive-level players speak, I feel like I’m losing something important?"

Yu Tong giggled behind her palm. "You get used to it…"

However, something shone in Moonlight Stone’s eyes as she added, "Their vulgarness aside, sometimes they really are… quite trustworthy. So trustworthy that it sometimes feels like you can entrust yourself to them completely…"

Lian Xin let out an insufferable sigh. "I’ve seen this before. Who did you fall in love with? Fess up now…"

Moonlight Stone fell silent for a moment before answering, "I love all of them. What do I do?"

"Marry them all…"

"Very funny…"



The Dragonscale Battle Tigers drew closer while the gang was having a pleasant conversation. This time, I dared not tempt fate and stood together with the rest of the Dragonlight Cavalry. Before the mob arrived, I tossed out my Summon the Storm, Myriad Swords Obliteration and other long-range skills to draw as many Dragonscale Battle Tigers to me as possible. I had enough Defense and HP to withstand the barrage of Stormwind Blood Claws anyway[1], and I had 20% lifesteal from the Chill of the Nine Provinces. I should be able to last longer than most.

"Get ready, everyone!"

The battle began right after I shouted that!

Arrows and magic spells filled the sky long before the mobs got to melee range. Our battle line was around 200 meters long, meaning that we would be fighting tens of thousands of Dragonscale Battle Tigers at the same time. Not only that, the Spear-throwing Flyers were swooping it in dense packs as well. The moment they were in range, they raised their spears and gathered ominous red energy to the spear blade. The visual effect told me that it was shield-piercing. If the Spear-throwing Flyers were allowed to unleash their skills without hindrance, at least thousands of Holy Mages would die from this one strike!

"Go all out! Don’t hold back anything!"

I shouted while turning my blade and casting my sword’s special skill, Cold of the Nine Provinces. Barring bosses, all units within 100 yards of me had a 90% chance or higher to become frozen in ice!


For a second, it felt like the very air was about to turn into ice. Then, countless Dragonscale Battle Tigers and Spear-throwing Flyers became frozen!

When the enemy is down, you move it to pulverize them. The three vortices on the Chill of the Nine Provinces that represented Death began spinning rapidly as I turned the Death side of my blade toward the sky. There were some minor differences due to resistances, but hundreds of thousands of mobs lost a maximum of 50% of their HP, around 3 million HP, at once.


I wasn’t done yet. A pair of bloody wings spread behind my back, and a giant golden sword cut across the sky. An instant later, my SSS Rank Ancient Divine Skill, Xuanyuan Slash cut through a thick swathe of Spear-throwing Flyers and killed at least a thousand of them. The skeletal riders could only scream impotently as they were killed before they were released from their frozen state. I was very happy to report that my experience bar was filling up like crazy as well.

Li Chengfeng’s Crimson Firmament Slash appeared in the sky right after my Ancient Divine Skill disappeared. He Yi also activated her Chengying and Hanguang and cleared out a small corner of the sky with Stormwind Break + Stormwind Slash combo. Our brutal DPS was the only reason Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls was still surviving despite the dire straits.


Warsky was stunned when the mobs around him lost 50% of their HP at once. "God damn, Lu Chen’s sword is so fucking OP! If its cooldown was 6 seconds instead of 6 minutes, he could kill any non-boss in just 6 seconds! So OP!"

October Rain chided him, "Focus on the mobs in front of you!"

As if on cue, player screams started erupting everywhere. At this point, we weren’t grinding the mobs for profit, we were all just trying to survive for as long as possible.


Boom boom boom…

Lian Xin’s Dimensional Storm and Beiming Xue’s Skypiercer exploded in the sky. The were immediately followed by a bombardment of God Devil Breaks that killed or greatly wounded the Spear-throwing Flyers. However, their numbers seemed endless, and being at 50% HP didn’t stop them from throwing their deadly spears at our Holy Mages. It easily pierced through the Magic Shields and dealt almost 500k damage to them. Droves of Holy Mages collapsed atop their pools of blood. We were literally giving up our lives to beat the mobs right now.

While dodging the spear throws on her Fire Qilin, Beiming Xue shouted, "All Dragonlight Cavalry and Holy Mages on the ground, get up the walls and plug the holes as soon as possible! Don’t stop attacking, and don’t give the mobs total control!"

Chiang chiang chiang…

A concentrated volley of spears hit my Cyan Dragon Shield and shook my arm violently. I had no idea how much damage I tanked just now, only that it destroyed my Battle Astral Wind and dealt over 2 million damage in total. Li Chengfeng, Gui Guzi and He Yi weren’t doing much better either. The thousands of Dragonlight Cavalrymen fighting beside us had been defeated in just 3 minutes or so, leaving only us and a floor of bodies, equipment, potions, cards and so on behind.

"Little Gui, Shennong!" I reminded him as I looked at the tens of thousands of low-health Dragonlight Cavalrymen behind us.

Gui Guzi immediately entered Heavenly River Transformation, raised his Ghostblade Halberd and cast Shennong Tastes Grass to heal everyone by 75%, and I do mean everyone. All Chinese players within 1000 yards of him were healed by the skill because he was using Nation War mode. Warsky, Candlelight Shadow and more players couldn’t help but shoot us grateful looks when they felt the healing warmth reinvigorating their tattered bodies. To be honest, they didn’t have to. If we didn’t help each other, this fortress would crumble, and we would all suffer a severe penalty.

"Hah! Hundred Ghosts Descent!"

Countless ghastly beams descended from the sky and one-shot many Dragonscale Battle Tigers and Spear-throwing Flyers.

I checked my cooldown timers. The moment the 6-minute[2] cooldown was up, I activated the Death of Xuanyuan Art once more!


The sky became filled with columns of red light as all the mobs in the area lost 50% of their HP. It was during moments like this you realized that the Xuanyuan Art was truly the most bullshit experience-stealing skill ever. My March of Chaos contribution points skyrocketed by 500k, and the pressure bearing down on our gate lessened considerably. There were still a ton of mobs, but it didn’t feel like utter annihilation was looming around the corner anymore.

Behind us, players kept streaming onto the ramparts and attacking the mobs so as to prevent the fortress from falling. Although new hordes of Dragonscale Battle Tigers and Spear-throwing Flyers had spawned [3] into the game world, it wasn’t as brutal as the first wave had been. All of us let out a collective sigh of relief.

Li Chengfeng curled his lips as he stared at the mountain of bodies on the ground. "This double monster wave was so bullshit, man…"

I replied, "It’s not even the last wave. Continue…"

Gui Guzi asked me, "Boss Broken Halberd, your Chill of the Nine Provinces is practically godlike in any group battle. Why didn’t you use it sooner?"

I thought for a moment before answering, "You know, Twelve Divine Armaments, cursed weapons, if I use it too much I will bring tribulations to Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls blah blah blah…"

Li Chengfeng laughed. "You’re worried that the guilds will gang up on Ancient Sword because of the Chill of the Nine Provinces? Relax, bro. Not only are we strong enough to take all of them on, we also have staunch allies like Snowy Cathaya, Blazing Hot Lips and Purple Lily. Don’t worry and spam away!"

I nodded. "Okay, let’s continue. Oh shit, that new wave of Battle Tigers is massive… it’s such a shame Xuanyuan Art isn’t a full-map one-shot…"

The corners of Li Chengfeng’s mouth twitched. "Have some shame, bro…"



"On no!"

Beiming Xue suddenly called out a warning from the rampart. "... bosses have spawned!"

I broke into a grin. "Oh, that’s wonderful!"

Beiming Xue: "Did you not hear me! THREE BOSSES have spawned, and they are headed for us!"

I shuddered. "Fuck!"


On the distant mountain ranges, a gigantic mad leopard with wings, another gigantic Battle Tiger with metal wings, and an undead general riding a Bone Dragon spawned at the same time. Not only that, they were all targeting our eastern gate.

My scalp tingled like never before as I said in a trembling voice, "All three… are Ancient Immortal Rank bosses… and they’re all… coming our way…?"

He Yi spoke with a calm expression that probably didn’t reflect her true feelings, "You know, I never thought I would feel disgusted at Ancient Immortal Rank bosses one day. So, so disgusted…"

Gui Guzi chuckled. "Would the Indians and Americans please steal the bosses from us?"

I groaned on the inside. The Dragonscale Battle Tigers and Spear-throwing Flyers alone were murdering the shit out of us. To have to fight off three Ancient Immortal Rank bosses too? Was this an obstacle the designers of this patch purposely prepared for us? I don’t think we’re capable of digesting this much "love", man!


"What should we do?" I asked He Yi.

She thought for a moment before replying, "Let’s share the burden!"

"Got it!"

I shouted, "Candlelight Shadow, Warsky, you guys can handle an Immortal Rank boss each, yeah??"

Candlelight Shadow struck back a Dragonscale Battle Tiger before replying, "Can we not?"

"Oh but I insist!"

1. T/N: … but the guys standing next and behind you don\'t. ☜

2. T/N: seconds in the raw Kappa ☜

3. T/N: Holy shit you need to spawn mobs with the level of processing power that is needed to run this game? Impossible! *fake gasps* ☜

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