Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System

Chapter 399 Trinity Part 2

"Hah rent! Right…."  Trinity said mockingly. "Isn\'t it more like you are the one who owes me rent? Originally you were me. You are just a part of me that was released from the seal to keep going with the soul that belongs to me. You keep saying we are not the same, but it is the truth whether you like it or not!"

"If that is the case, why would you do such stupid things!? You have so much power, but you do not seem to care about anything!" I yelled out. I did not want to bring this conversation back to this, but it seemed Trinity was not going to let me change the subject so easily.

"Heh…. Why should I care?" Trinity asked with her lips curled up. "Little Faith, you are too naive. You think the world can be won over with good deeds, but this is not the case! Any world, no matter which one you live on is filled with strife. The people that you wish to save, how many actually give a shit about you? Which one of them would actually spend time running to your aid when you are in danger? None! They would rather save themselves and leave you to your death than try to help you because they only care about saving their own lives.

"You may be the empress of this empire. You may care for the people of your land, but why must you sacrifice yourself for them? Why must you care for the lives of others when you are already doing so much for them? You are lucky Azengrade backed down. You are lucky that, combined with you still wearing my armor and your time magic that you were able to make him feel wary of you. If you even knew he had been tricked, not only you but every living being in this empire you so love would have died. Your loved ones, your friends and family, all of them. All of them would have died because of how naive you are.

"The Altorians are not what you think they are. They are not a race that you can easily deal with. They are parasites that will eat their way into a sentient being\'s brain and control them and make them do things against their will. They take over whole planets and grow and spread. Then when there is no one left to infect, they will move on to another world. They are a plague. They will consume and consume.

"I have lived my life hunting them down. Every last one of them must die! You do not know what it is like to watch your family being consumed and turned into an Altorian. They retain their memories, but they have no feelings for anyone but their own race. So they will not care for your people. To them, it is all a game. So I made it my life\'s work to kill them. I spent years growing stronger and stronger. Picking them off one at a time. I have destroyed countless of planets one after the other to get rid of those disgusting things.

"You want to save your people, I understand, but you are still naive. It only takes a single infection, and in a span of days, there will multiply, and soon your billions of citizens will turn on you and try to kill you. Hahahaha!" Trinity paused as she looked at me with crazed eyes.

"Think about it, your lovers all of a sudden having their skin split and showing glowing lines on them. Each one showing their disgust for you. No longer loving you. Wanting to kill you. Think about it! You naive bitch! Do you know what it is like to watch your parents go from a loving mother and father to people who are trying to shove this disgusting worm down your throat to make you one of them? Do you know what it is like to have no choice but to kill your own parents to escape with your life? Huh!? Hahaha…." Trinity tilted her head. Her lips curled up into a smile. "Life is not what it seems. You are happy now, but now that the Altorians are here, you will suffer the same fate as I have. You will become someone who has no choice but to rely on me, the one you deny. We will relive what I have lived through in my past life. We will see it all. We will watch as we have no choice but to kill the ones we love.

"You do not seem to understand what it means for the Altorians to show up. Whether you believe me or not is up to you. Now that you know what they are and how they act let\'s see how you are able to break free from this mess. You had your chance to kill five of them, and you gave that chance up." Trinity snorted and sat on the ground, crossing her hands across her chest.

I was shaken by her words. I was unsure if I should believe them or not. I was unsure if she was telling the truth. But the look in her eyes. Although they looked crazy, deep down, I saw sorrow. Pain that still lingered inside her to this very day.

"Then I just have to get stronger. Stronger than even you. They sealed you because you were a threat to them, so I just have to be sure to be stronger than you to show you that there is always a way."  Yes. Strength. I just needed to level more. If I level more, then I might be able to win this fight. But the question was, did I have the time?

"Heh…. You do have one thing going for you. This world seems to like you. While those Altorians seem to have a bit of control over the dungeons you have visited, you have that system. This is something I did not have. I have nothing. I could only use my blood, sweat, and tears to grow stronger, even though it took me millions of years only to be sealed off and forced to watch a part of my soul live many lives. But don\'t get me wrong. I will not give you any more of my power. You stole enough already. Until the day you realize you need me, I will no longer surface. From this moment on, whether we live or die will be up to you. To be honest, I am tired of it all…. Let\'s see what the great Faith can do." With these words, Trinity suddenly disappeared. The blood red side of my spirit domain stayed, but she was nowhere to be seen.

I don\'t know what brought about this change in attitude. But maybe deep down. Trinity was actually a good girl who just longed to take revenge for all she had lost. Maybe her outburst was something she needed to do all this time….. Of course, this is my own speculation, and she could just be lying low until I was at my weakest once more…..

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