ABO Cadets

Chapter Volume 4 89

Drew couldn’t believe it when he heard this sentence being spoken by Berg. He had known Rosen for so many years and Black Dragon was an S-Class mech built by his father, Aston himself. He had seen that mech innumerable times and even witnessed it being born into this world with his own two eyes, it was impossible for him to be mistaken.

Even if there were only the mech fragments left in the cosmic wormhole, with that material and those striking golden eyes, how could it not be Black Dragon?

Drew frowned and said: “How are you so sure that this mech is not Black Dragon?”

Berg was silent for a moment before lifting his head and looking at Drew, saying: “It’s only natural that I should be sure, because…… that mech is precisely what I designed on the basis of Black Dragon’s blueprints. I personally manufactured the replica body.”

Drew:” ………”

The shock in Drew’s heart was no less than at the moment he found out that Berg was the leader of the Undercurrent.

Berg continued speaking with a nonchalant look: “Are you very puzzled as to why I would make that replica body?”

Seeing that Drew wasn’t saying a word, Berg smiled and said: “In order to help Ling Yu leave the Capital Star, I took the intelligence of the Replica Black Dragon out from the Mech Association and manufactured a mech extremely similar to the original Black Dragon in accordance with the original blueprint designs…… And the reason why I helped Ling Yu was not only because he is a member of the Undercurrent, but also for another reason…… He could achieve a lot of things I could never do. I admire him and highly respect him, I didn’t want to see his spirited life completely destroyed.”

He seemed to think back to those days long past, the expression on Berg’s face seemed a bit lost, “Before I married you, Ling Yu and I had been acquainted with each other, he is also related to my joining of The Undercurrent. My biggest dream from an early age was to be able to make an S-Class mech with my own two hands, but I am an Omega. In many people ‘s eyes, the greatest value of an Omega’s existence is nothing but pure bloodlines and excellent fertility……”

Berg self-deprecatingly laughed, “What worth is a dream? Who cares if an Omega has a dream? Even you, Drew, you have never cared about what I wanted most.”

Drew suddenly went silent.

Because he found that he was unable to respond.

After being married to Berg for so many years, he never could have guessed that when he was young, Berg actually had so many beautiful dreams and aspirations. He wanted to be a master mech maker. He wanted to manufacture and pilot an S-Class mech himself ……

However, because he was an Omega, his talents were constantly being overlooked, and eventually, his dreams had also become an extravagant hope……

At the age of eighteen, when Drew saw Berg at the Imperial Palace, he liked that prince with a unique temperament at first sight. Afterwards, Drew passed like thunder and made a move like the wind and got together with the elders of the Bayh Family to propose marriage to His Majesty. In just one short month, the grand wedding between the Royal Family and the Bayh Family was held at the Capital Star.

Many friends and family came on the wedding day and it was particularly bustling with noise and excitement. Berg’s suspension vehicle reserved for the royal household was driven out from the Imperial Palace and circled a full circuit around the central city, ultimately stopping in front of the Bayh Family Residence.

Drew could never forget, the day of the wedding when he returned to the bridal chamber fixed up for them, as his heart was filled with excitement and joy, the scene he saw— Berg was sitting on the bedside and had just finished taking a bath. His black hair was still constantly dripping water, his head was hung low, staring at the floor in front of him, and there was an indescribable expression of sorrow on his face— as if he was not faced with the expectation of newlyweds on their wedding night, but rather an extremely painful punishment.

The pale complexion and slightly red eyes of the new bride sitting on the bedside directly pierced Drew’s heart like a sharp blade.

It wasn’t until that moment that he realized Berg did not want to marry him.

What could be more painful than that? He had cheerfully sent off the guests and returned to the bridal chamber, only to find that the person he had tried his best to marry into his family, was unwillingly married to him.

Although both of them later covered up their emotions since it was the honeymoon phase after marriage— that is, an Omega’s estrus period. Drew had to complete a mark on Berg, but in those three days of marking, from start to finish, Drew could feel Berg’s physical desire and intense mental resistance in his body…… That kind of silent resistance, just like an invisible vine was tightly twisting around the bottommost tip of his heart, tightened around to the point Drew almost couldn’t breathe.

He finally has Berg, but he never really understood Berg or even entered this man’s heart.

I can’t say I’m bitterly disappointed, I was only ever deceiving myself.

To this day, Drew even feels that two people who have shared the same bed for twenty years are just as unfamiliar as strangers briefly brushing by the other.

Coming into contact with Berg’s undisturbed gaze, it took a long time for Drew to tear his eyes away from Berg’s face and say in a whisper: “The second leader of Undercurrent, secretly manufacturing a replica of Black Dragon to help Ling Yu escape from the Capital Star…… Berg, just how many things have you hidden from me?”

Drew’s tone was beaten beyond words as if all of the strength in his body had been drained away.

Berg was silent for a moment before he said quietly: “You must understand very clearly about how discomposed and dangerous the situation of the Royal Family has been over the last few years…… At first, Wang Xiong asked me to marry you, he really wanted to rope in the Bayh Family. The marriage between you and I was originally a political marriage…… Before I married you, I had already taken over the Undercurrent. Wang Xiong also participated in me helping Ling Yu……”

(TN: His Majesty Trent.)

“So it was like this……” Drew tightly clenched his fist, “Marrying me, taking over the Undercurrent, helping Ling Yu…… All of this was set up by your Wang Xiong…… For twenty years, Berg, you have been making use of my identity as a General to protect yourself. At that time you went to the Mech Association to look at the Replica Black Dragon’s intelligence, going to study new mechs, or so you said. I even brought you along to look……”

Drew lowered his head, his expression was slightly twisted from the pain—

He loves this person so much, yet in this person’s heart from beginning to end was so unbothered and detached, there was never a place for him.

Back then, Berg’s body was in poor health after giving birth to Brian. Drew was so distressed that he couldn’t sleep for several days on end. Ever since then, he never wanted to make Berg give birth to another child again, even though he really wanted to have a daughter, or even more sons would be great too, but compared to Berg’s health, everything else was inconsequential……

Such a pureblooded Omega like Berg only having one son, this was practically unheard of throughout the entire Empire.

He loved Berg. From the day he first met him, he couldn’t help falling in love with this prince with a unique temperament. He even placed Berg at the bottom of his heart as the most precious treasure in his life. He couldn’t bear to make Berg suffer one ounce of pain……

But what did Berg give him in return?

A simple line of “political marriage”.

There was only one reason this proud prince chose and easily stayed by his side for so many years— Drew Bayh, the one with the most powerful abilities in that generation of the Bayh Family, the most likely one to become the head of the Hydra Legion. As long as he could become a General, he could be of help to His Majesty and the Royal Family, and so back then, Berg would obey His Majesty Trent’s words and marry him……

Never before has Drew felt such pain that was nearly driving him to despair.

It was as if he had held his heart out to Berg, yet Berg had thrown it to the ground and ruthlessly stepped on it to mush.

Drew took a deep breath, clenched his fists in a strong grip, and said in a low voice: “I can ignore that you are the second leader of Undercurrent, I can pretend not to know that you secretly made a replica body of Black Dragon from the Mech Association, and the matter of you helping Ling Yu escape is also something I can treat as if I never heard it……”

Having said that, the voice of the man who has always been collected got choked up a bit with emotion,” ……just go, Berg…… I…… can’t continue to face you as if nothing ever happened.”

Berg stared blankly ahead, “You’re saying you want…… to break up with me?”

Drew wordlessly looked away.

This kind of estrangement is causing him to suffer great pain.

“……listen until I’m finished speaking, okay?” Berg gently held Drew’s hand. “Although my reasoning for marrying you at the time was for a political marriage nor did I really have any feelings for you in those first few years, but now…… Now I have already fallen in love with you, don’t you know?”

Drew snapped his head around in surprise: “What did you say?”

Berg’s ears turned slightly red, but the expression on his face was nevertheless particularly serious, and stood up on his tippy toes to lean closer toward Drew’s ear, lightly nipping his ear, “Did I not say it last time? I don’t remember it being so long since then…… I love you.”

This action made Drew immediately recall.

That’s right, the last time when he discovered that Berg was the second leader of Undercurrent, Berg did indeed say “I love you”, and he laid down in bed and said, “punish me however you want”. Those few days of “punishing” Berg was undoubtedly a dream-like time that Drew could never forget in his lifetime. Only, at that time there were special circumstances and Drew had still thought that Berg said that as a delaying tactic. He did not expect that he was actually being serious……

Perceiving the warmth of his lips on his ear, he thought of the gentleness and obedience of Berg in those days, Drew’s back stiffened and incredulously looked at Berg, “Wha-what did you just say?”

“……still want me to say it again?” Berg couldn’t help but smile, “I love you.”

Drew has a one-track mind and he didn’t have any bad intentions either. Sometimes he was even a little stupid. Among the Generalissimos in the military, Drew ought to be the most upright and honest one. He felt particularly at ease staying beside him.

Berg smiled and said: “Did you think too much just now? Everything I did was more than ten years ago. At that time, I did indeed use your General status as protection and even exploited you…… but then, I genuinely fell in love with you and everything I’m doing now is not only for myself but also for you, for our child.”

Drew was stunned, his train of thought suddenly couldn’t keep up, what was up with Berg saying both for you and for our child?

Seeing Drew’s eyes widening, Berg couldn’t help thinking of that foolish son, Brian, completely inherited the one-track-minded personality of his father Drew…… He doesn’t know what their second child would be like…… thinking of this, Berg’s gaze became noticeably soft.

“Drew, in reality, my Wang Xiong has always wanted to repeal the original Omega rights protection law and re-enact a real protection bill so that all Omegas can fulfill their dreams, go to the school they like, and even obtain freedom……” Berg looked at Drew with a smile, “Does that feel a bit familiar?”

Drew awkwardly touched his nose, “Would that be the proposal on the protection of rights and interests pertaining to Omegas that was vetoed by the military back then?”

Berg nodded: “Correct, the initial draft of this proposal was drawn up by me. Later after being revised by Wang Xiong, under his behest, several experts from the Imperial Central Research Institute jointly sent it forward.”

Drew: “…………………”

—What kind of an Omega did he marry?

—Leader of the Undercurrent? A genius who manufactured mechs on the sly? Even drafting a proposal that frightened Generals into dropping their jaws to the floor?

Berg said seriously: “Some people in the military have been wanting to thoroughly eliminate the Royal Family and personally take control of the Imperial Regime. Wang Xiong has been very careful over these past few years. Ling Yu is his hidden playing card. Rosen’s accident this time at Naomi Star, there was definitely a traitor in the military that sold his information to the Federation.”

In fact, ever since the moment Udir contacted him in private after the military meeting, Drew had also had his doubts about this— Rosen’s accident was too sudden, the process of the ambush also felt vaguely amiss somewhere. At present, hearing what Berg said validated the suspicions at the bottom of his heart……

If indeed the military has a traitor, the news of Rosen’s troops leaving for Naomi Star had been leaked out.

Drew frowned and said: “I also had my doubts about this, but how can you be sure Rosen is alive?”

Berg said: “Since you’ve found the Black Dragon replica body, it also proved Ling Yu was present at the time of the spatial shocks. I believe that with the abilities is Ling Yu and Rosen, the probability of them acting together to escape from the wormhole is very high, so I can then boldly guess that Rosen hasn’t died.”

Berg firmly grasps Drew’s hand said worriedly, “I left Cepheus not only to tell you of this but for another reason too…… I am afraid that in the event of a mutiny, me staying at the Capital Star would instead make me into their hostage…… I’m afraid that, like Rosen, you would be set up and ambushed by the Federation’s legions…… I’m afraid they will use the Federation’s hand to eliminate you like Rosen.”

With Berg’s words speaking this, the originally lingering pain at the bottom of his heart scattered at long last. Looking at the anxiety-riddled face of Berg in front of him, a warmth instead welled up in his heart, “It’s really because you’re worried about me……”

Berg nodded seriously, “At first, I was planning on sneaking out of the Capital Star and also worried that you would meet with a mishap, I took advantage of the time you were at our house and secretly knocked out Lieutenant Colonel Mike. I disguised myself in his likeness and boarded the Hydra Legion Command Carrier along with you……”

Berg paused, looked up at Drew, and said seriously: “Drew, I married you at that time and gave up on all my dreams, because it was you, I don’t regret it…… But, I want my child to be able to live freely and happily, so, for our child, can I ask for you to stand with me?”

Berg placed Drew’s hand gently on his lower abdomen and said softly, “We will have a second child very soon, if this child is an Omega, in accordance with the previous legislation, they must leave us at the age of eighteen and get married to someone who they may have never seen before…… Could you have the heart to watch your child suffer this kind of treatment?”

Drew looked at Berg in shock, his hand placed on his lower abdomen was frozen stiff and he didn’t even dare move it, “……child? You mean……”

Berg gave a small smile, his gaze softened, “Our foolish son, Brian, will soon have a little brother or sister. Don’t worry, my body has been nursed back to health for so many years, this time I can safely give birth to them.”

Recently, that is, those several days of Berg letting him punish himself as he pleased. Since Berg was not in estrus, Drew thought he wouldn’t get pregnant, so he did not give any birth control pills to him.

Unexpectedly, after so many years passing by, they will actually have a second baby.

Drew was silent for a very long time, he ultimately pulled Berg into his arms excitedly, hugging him tighter and tighter.


At the same time, St. Romia Military Academy.

When Caesar and Lin Yuan returned to their dormitory, they saw Brian sitting bitterly at the table with his head drooped down and gobbling down five-star fruits, his expression was almost like an abandoned pug.

Lin Yuan smiled and said: “What’s wrong, got into a fight with Snow, ah?”

Brian raised his eyebrows and said: “I have a very good relationship with Snow. What’s up with your rejoicing in others’ misfortune look?”

Lin Yuan’s pure black eyes moved off to the side, saying with an innocent face: “Is there any misfortune for me to rejoice in?”

“……forget it, forget it, you are a monster. I can’t win against you with words.” Brian sighed helplessly and turned around to say to Caesar: “Caesar, it’s already been half a month and I haven’t been able to contact my Dad. I don’t know what he ‘s doing. Have you heard anything from His Majesty?”

Caesar hesitated, “Wang Shu still can’t be contacted?”

(TN: This would be the man of the hour, Berg.)

Brian nodded with a heavy expression.

Lin Yuan was also puzzled and said: “Isn’t your Dad in the Capital Star?”

Brian hung his head dispiritedly and said: “I don’t know, there is no one at home. Where the hell did he go, he didn’t even leave me a message either……”

Lin Yuan sympathized with Brian’s fretful state of mind, and silently thought in the bottom of his heart— me too, my father’s whereabouts are still unknown to date. It was said that Naomi Star’s space station broke down, and there wasn’t a signal for a communicator to connect to.

They don’t know what their fathers are doing? Are they still safe?

The author has something to say: The POV has finally returned to the protagonists~

Yuanyuan will definitely have a little Alpha brother, a character like Rosen, strong backing for his Big Bro Yuanyuan/Daddy Ling Yu. If Caesar bullies Lin Yuan in the future, humph humph! The fist of Little Bro Alpha will impolitely greet him~~

Bubu needs a little brother/sister. Does everyone think it’s all good? Meng Little Shota Omega or a Loyal Dog Alpha like Brian?

PS: This text sets the life expectancy to be over 300 years old, so it is totally normal for one’s little brother to be more than ten years younger than himself!

PS2: I probably can’t proofread it over twice today TAT. My dad’s old classmates also came out of nowhere to celebrate the New Year, ah fall down. My relatives are so truly sincere. I will try and make time for the second proofread some other day when there aren’t any relatives around, kisses everyone!

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