Mystical Journey

Chapter 692: Pursue and Attack 4

The Blood Breed who was called Kurt stopped suddenly. It seemed as if black halos or whirlpools had formed in his eyes while he stared daggers at Dahm who was laughing maniacally.

Human hypnotism was a Blood Breed’s natural talent and ability! It was also a suppression ability that could restrain a human’s true genes completely.

At this moment, Dahm’s movements suddenly slowed down. Black light flashed in the eyes of the two other Blood Breeds simultaneously while they glared at Dahm.

"Control him! This man is too strong!" Lars yelled loudly while his face remained pale. His hardened skin was completely useless against his opponent because a single touch would cause the blood in his body to explode and burst out involuntarily.

However, if the hypnotism could control their opponent, his strength would then be useful to them!! This would serve as a huge boost to the powers of these three people!

Even now, a sliver of fear remained on Farne’s face. This man in red was too frightening. Farne was still traumatized by the attack and could feel that he was losing control of the blood in his body just by touching the other man.

"This is bad! There’s something hidden in his consciousness! I can’t control him!!" yelled Kurt in a panicked state suddenly, "Retreat!!!"

"Not good, the Marshall is about to go crazy!! Retreat quickly!!"

The bespectacled man’s face changed at once.

"What do we do about these people?!" yelled the bald man frantically.

"Don’t care about them! Go!!"

The Four Hunting Generals seemed as if they had seen something terrifying at almost the exact same moment. Each of them ran frantically in a different direction. The people around them who carried firearms were openly fighting with the crowd of Black Uniforms who wore veils over their faces. However, their opponent’s regenerative abilities and frightening speed had forced them into an unfavorable position. Soon, once they realized that their head had fled as well, they dropped their weapons quickly and ran away from the area.

Pritto and the others stared at the Four Hunting Generals and numerous subordinates who had forsaken their leader and fled. They were unable to react towards this strange situation for a period of time.


Moments later, a sharp scream could be heard from the leader who was standing on the outskirts of the battlefield suddenly. The shrillness of the scream caused everyone’s eardrums to ache while buzzing noises made it impossible to hear other sounds.


At the center of the area where the Blood Breeds and Dahm were fighting, a shroud of blood red mist expanded and exploded suddenly and covered the entire battlefield instantly as if it were smoke.

Terrifying bright red smoke twirled around Dahm’s entire body at the epicenter, as if he was a supernatural being who had just walked straight out of hell. An intense bloody smell permeated the air and diffused for more than a hundred meters.

He lowered his head while a ferocious look appeared on his face.

"Controlling and... Controlling again!! The thing I despise the most... is when others control me!!!"

The three Blood Breeds were sent flying by the violent blood mist before they rolled over and hit the ground below them. Kurt was the only one who was in slightly better shape while the other two resembled torn cloth dolls whose limbs had been twisted into strange arcs. They coughed up large mouthfuls of blood from their mouths involuntarily. Extended periods of bleeding had caused their terrifying regenerative abilities to slow down.

Kurt ground his teeth and glared at Dahm’s somewhat blurry figure which remained in the center.

"Retreat!!" he finally clenched his teeth and spat these words out.

To think that three ranked Blood Breeds would be forced to retreat while facing a normal human! This was a humiliating decision and he could already imagine the ridiculous rumors that the Blood Breed society would spread around after discovering that this trio had retreated.

"Retreat?" a strange voice that was neither male nor female echoed beside his ear.

Dahm’s face appeared in front of Kurt immediately. His face was directly in front of Kurt’s, making it possible for him to clearly see that his opponent’s eyes were bloodshot. It was almost impossible to see the whiteness of his pupils as they seemed to be covered in layers of spider web-like blood vessels.

Kurt’s face turned pale at once.

He lowered his head while still in a trance and looked at his own chest before a perfectly straight pale arm stabbed through it and clamped down on his beating heart tightly.


Dahm clawed at Kurt’s face with all five fingers of his other hand at the same time. His fingernails dug deeply into Kurt’s brain before he gouged his entire face out. He used his immense strength to smash Kurt against the ground and a deep pit was formed there while soil was sent flying.

On the other side, Farne and Lars watched on in horror as Kurt was brutally clawed to death. They wanted to move but their bodies would not respond to them at all. While the bloody mist continued to waft in the air, it seemed as though the mist had coagulated their blood, making it move as slowly as sticky glue.

For Blood Breeds who fully depended on their blood, this was simply fatal!

"Don’t... Don’t! Don’t kill me!!" yelled Lars in fear.

"I surrender!! You killed Kurt even though he was the Blood Breed who would inherit the Holy Technique. You will definitely be pursued and killed by the clan! However, I know how to evade the attack!! Let me go!!" yelled Farne on the side as well.

But the current Dahm was unable to listen to reason anymore. Both of his eyes were blood red when his figure flashed like lightning and swept past both Farne and Lars instantly.

Bang bang!! Two dull noises could be heard before both of their heads exploded immediately, just like balloons that had been filled with too much air.

The Vampires around him who had not reacted in time instantly became Dahm’s punching bags. Their blood red figures were tossed back and forth horizontally. Massive explosions would occur every time he touched them while the blood mist restrained them from moving.

Dahm laughed maniacally as he sank into a completely irrational state.

Bloody flesh and severed limbs flew past. Most of them were covered in the blood mist that seemed to have thickened suddenly.

On the other side, Pritto and Kaya were already sitting inside the car. Their foreheads were beaded with sweat while they tried to move the car. However, the engine seemed to be against them for some reason, as it refused to start at all!

Meanwhile, Isaros covered Arisa and Vivien’s eyes tightly and stuffed rolled up paper into their ears while cradling both of their heads in her bosom.

"Damn! It hasn’t started up yet?!" Kaya beat the car window angrily.

The terrified screams in their surroundings had decreased.

The front of their sedan was blocked off by the cars that the Blood Breeds had driven, forcing them to turn the corner to escape. Fortunately, the blood mist had covered them, allowing them to move freely without being countered by anyone else.

"That monster is almost here!! Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!!" Kaya turned around and glanced behind before feeling her soul escaping her body when she noticed that only a few Vampires remained out of the hundreds that had arrived.

"I’m trying my best!!" Pritto was also panicking.


Suddenly, the glass of the car window was instantly smashed. A blood-covered arm grabbed Kaya violently and dragged her outside while large amounts of blood mist drifted inside.

"Save...!!" Kaya could only yell out half of her sentence before she was torn out of the car.

A crashing noise could be heard after Kaya was thrown out of the car by her throat. The tires of the sedan made scratching noises when the car was pulled by his immense strength.

"Save me, save me, you say?! Hahahaha..." Dahm laughed maniacally while clutching Kaya by her throat and suspending her helpless body mid-air.

"I’m the strongest ’Deadly Fist’, Dahm Elfman! Anyone who blocks my path must die!! Die!! Hahahaha!!"

He raised his head towards the sky and laughed like a madman.

The ground was a mess of corpses and severed limbs and he was the last man left standing in this pool of blood. The people in the car felt chills run down their spines when they looked at the crazed Dahm and his completely bloodsoaked body. This man seemed like a demon from hell who was neither Blood Breed nor human while fat pigs that were waiting to be slaughtered lay before him.

"Get down from the car and run away from here!!" Pritto spat out those words hurriedly before he rushed out the car as well and charged towards Dahm. He could not just stand here and watch this man murder Kaya. Despite this woman’s venomous and harsh words, she chose to remain by her friend’s side at the most crucial moments instead of selling him out in times of fear and danger.

Isaros took a deep breath and held both of the young girls while they got out of the car hurriedly before running towards the far end of the area quickly.

They were only a few steps away before they heard Pritto and Kaya’s desperate screams behind them. The shrill and painful screams made it impossible for the girls not to shiver in Isaros’s arms.


A blood red silhouette appeared in front of them suddenly.

It was Dahm!!

This terrifying man had apparently gotten rid of Pritto and Kaya in a few moments and had now caught up with them instantly.

His hand stretched outwards as quick as lightning and attempted to seize the two young girls in Isaros’s arms.

"Die... Die... Die!!" You want to control me? Die! Hahaha!!" It seemed as if he had lost his mind. His fingernails that were as sharp as daggers were aimed directly at the foreheads of both girls.

Isaros could not move her body at all and could only watch as he attempted to stab the girls in her arms.

Vivien widened her eyes and could see the blood red fingers that were approaching her through the cracks between Isaros’s fingers. The heavy shadow of death was covering her quickly.

"Dad... Mom... Big brother..." her body had stiffened and she was shivering from fear while hallucinations appeared before her eyes.

The fingers were getting closer and Vivien could feel their sharp coldness when her forehead was pierced painfully.


Suddenly, Big Sister Isaros’s shouts echoed beside her ear and almost sounded as loud as a roar.

The fingertips stiffened suddenly before stopping in mid-air.

"She’s Garen’s younger sister! You cannot kill her!!" at this moment, Isaros’s impulse that nearly pushed her to tears was apparently effective!

She could see a slight similarity between Dahm and Garen’s style of punching. However, this was merely a gamble.

She was finally able to stop this monster’s killing spree.

"Garen..." Dahm’s body shivered when he heard that name. The bloody insanity and rationality were continuously entangled in his eyes while they fought and conflicted with each other.

Slowly, the seemingly endless amounts of blood mist seeped back into his body. His aura was returning to his body quickly, meaning that his rationality was gradually gaining the upper hand as well.


The shrill whistling noise of moving air echoed from a faraway distance suddenly.


A large cloud of black mist flew over furiously like a bomb and collided against Dahm who stood dazed in place. It sent him flying more than ten meters away.

"Dahm! You wanted to kill Master’s sister?" a cold male voice echoed from far away.

Hochman got down from a sedan with silvery-white patterns. His entire body was contoured by terrifying and violent-looking muscles while he was dressed in a black singlet and slender Western-style trousers that covered his wide back and taut waist. A pair of blonde youthful female twins followed behind him closely.

The collision caused Dahm to be sent flying for more than ten meters after he was hit by a basketball-sized rock. Two long black skid marks that resembled ditches were formed when his legs were dragged against the ground. He did not suffer any serious injuries except for the swelling of a few blood vessels on his cheeks.

"Hochman..." he glared fiercely at the man who had just alighted from the car, "Why are you here?!"

"What do you think?" Hochman’s handsome face glanced at him coldly, "Look at your embarrassing state. You’re neither man nor beast. Frankly, you’re a disgrace to my combat club’s reputation!"

He glanced at the dirty battlefield that was filled with bloody severed limbs in disgust.

"Let’s go. Take these people. Master wants to see you."

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