I am the Queen

Chapter 187 - 13

Summer camp in Mountain resort Burberry.

It was the last event of Unmei Academy before the official end of class. A tradition that everyone liked. For the students to get together one last time before the long break. And for the Teacher, they have a free two-day vacation.

Evangeline wasn\'t the least bit interested in attending the said event. But Eric was one of the committees in charge of their class, so his presence was required. It was almost five days since she saw and talk to him, and not once that he returned to their apartment. He was avoiding her even until now whenever she tried to approach him.

Evangeline bit her nails. This is too much!

"Teacher, stop worrying. Eric just needed some time. Lilybella is sure that he will come around. You\'ll see," Lilybella said and rubbed Evangeline\'s hand.

"Why don\'t you and Lilybella enjoy the river? Lilybella heard it\'s the highlight of this resort! Oh! The hot spring as well!"

Evangeline sighed and went along with Lilybella. It was better than wasting her time with a man who wouldn\'t spend even a single glance at her.

HMP! "Let\'s go," Evangeline huramp and went ahead. Maybe if she was the one who ignored him, he\'d come around like what happened last time.

They came early in the morning, and now it was nearing afternoon. The resort was packed with students and in every part of the mountain. Evangeline was getting irritated with the noise and crowd.

"Come on. Let\'s go somewhere quiet," she said and pulled Lilybella by the arm into the deeper parts of the mountain.

"But the teachers said not to go in the deeper parts. We should find his Highness and go with him."

"No one knows where that prince went off. And besides, this is a resort. They probably already have the entire area check. What could go wrong?"

"Eh . . . I don\'t know." Lilybella was a bit hesitant. She was scared that there might be bears or snakes or other wild animals in the mountain\'s deeper parts. Having at least a man with them, she\'d feel more secured.

"You\'re such a worry rat. Daniel is probably bored with you. You need to show him your adventurous spirit. And besides, he might come looking for you when he doesn\'t see you."

"Eh? Really?" Lilybella\'s face glowed, and her hesitation disappeared.


As they climbed and went deeper, the crowd lessen and lessen until they came across a river. There were still other students, those few who have a rebellious spirit and wanted to explore every part of the mountain. But they were miles away, enjoying their own business.

"I think this is a good spot." Evangeline nodded to herself and looked at Lilybella, who was catching her breath. "You need to exercise more often."

Lilybella took a large intake of air and stabilized her breathing. "*huff . . . physical stuff . . . *huff . . . isn\'t Lilybella\'s strong points."

"I agree with you. Your strong points lie in annoying people," Evangeline murmured and took in the view.

If she wanted to climb some more, she bet she\'d need another hour or two. This was a nice spot, and it was not too far from the base camp either. They wouldn\'t get lost.

"You two! Didn\'t you hear the instructions that this area is off-limits."

Evangeline and Lilybella turned to see Satele standing not far from them.

"I assume you too didn\'t since you\'re also here, miss Risova," Evangeline said and went back to viewing the surroundings.

"You should get back. Least someone tells the teacher, and you\'ll get punish," Satele warned.

Evangeline chuckled. How would they punish an already expelled student? She thought.

"Ugh. Really?" Lilybella had cold feet again.

"Miss Risova, I assume you\'re one of the committees in charge of your class. If so, why don\'t you move along and worry about your class instead of another department? That\'s why people don\'t like you," Evangeline said.

"That\'s rich coming from you," Satele countered and turned her back. "Don\'t say I didn\'t warn you."

She then marched down. Satele didn\'t actually care for Evangeline. It was just that Lilybella could also get in trouble if someone saw them and told the teachers. Evangeline could go to hell this instant for all she cares, but Lilybella was a different story.

Rolling her eyes on the sky, she decided to take a turn and marched back to where Evangeline and Lilybella were. At least she\'d convince Lilybella to come with her.

She left ten minutes ago, but as she returned to where they were, she skidded to a stop. Evangeline and Lilybella were no longer alone.


"What\'s all this?" Daniel asked, looking at Max, who was ignoring him ever since he broke up with Sisley.

"I brought you here to settle the score," Max replied, flexing his neck.

"Settle the score?" Daniel swept the place. They were at the upper parts of the mountain, almost reaching the peak. They were some students with them, but they were far away, almost minuscule to see.

"Yes. So let\'s get started," Max replied, cracking his fist as he approached Daniel. "Hit me."

"Huh? Why?"

"Don\'t ask questions. Just hit me. Come on. We\'re the only people around here."

"What? No. I\'m not going to hit you." Daniel\'s hands rose in surrender as he back away at the approaching Max.

"What? Are you chickening out? You don\'t know how to fight? Did nobody from the Prince\'s School taught you to fight?"

"No, there is no Prince\'s School. And no, there\'s no reason to fight you."

"Stop making excuses and just hit me."


"Hit me. Come on," Max urged, hitting his chest. "Come on, hit me. Hit me anywhere."

"No. I\'m not going to do that."

"Heh! Chicken," Max sneered and pushed Daniel on the shoulder as he advanced. "Come on, hit me.

Max repeated and continued to push Daniel around.

"Come on! Hit me! Hit me! Hit me––ouch!"

Max was stunned at the sudden punch on his nose. He took a step back and cried, "You really hit me!"

"Ah . . ." Daniel was stunned too. He didn\'t mean to hit him. It just . . . happened. His fist already flew to Max\'s face before he knew it. "T-that . . . that wasn\'t my intention––"


Before Daniel could finish his sentence, an uppercut went straight to his jaw. He staggered backward and wiped his nose. Stunned at the sight of blood, he looked at Max. His vision darkened, and within a second, he was onto Max, wrestling him on the ground.

"You asshole! You hit me first!"

"You\'re the idiot! You ask me to hit you!"

They fought each other on the ground while shouting in each other\'s faces for a whole fifteen minutes. Eventually, they got tired. On the dirt, they laid with beaten faces and bruised fingers.

*huff . . .

Looking at the sky, Max murmured, "So blue."

"Yeah, I wish it were tan," Daniel replied in a sarcastic tone.

Max snickered but didn\'t say anything.

. . .

. . .

Silence fell, and the sounds of creature lurking echoed.

"I like Sisley."

". . ."

"Yeah. I notice," Daniel replied after a minute.

"And you\'re a jerk for hurting her," Max spat.

". . . Is that the reason for all of this?"

". . . Not exactly." Max sighed. "I blame you, but I know you have your circumstances. You\'re my friend, and I don\'t want these things to come between us. Especially that the school year is ending."

"So your solution is to fight?" Daniel huffed a laugh.

"I\'m hot-headed and not good with words. What\'s more effective in releasing your feelings than a fight?"

Daniel smile as he shook his head. He got up and patted the dirt off his clothes. "Well. I\'m glad that we got that out."

"Not quite." Max got up as well. As soon as Daniel looked at him, he punched him on the face. "That\'s for hitting me first."

Daniel staggered and fell backward. "What the fuck!" he hissed and wiped the blood from another busted lip. "You were the one who asks for it!"

Max just laughed and helped Daniel to his feet. "Now we\'re even."

Daniel shot a sharp gaze at Max before he shook his head. "I hope this is our last fight. You could get killed from just assaulting a Prince, you know."

Max shrugged. "Well, I take my chances. Let\'s go before the teacher finds us."

"You\'re not afraid of getting killed but afraid of a scolding from a teacher?"

They bickered as they climbed down and eventually reached the stream. They were about to cross across when something caught Max\'s line of sight.

"Hey. What\'s that?" he pointed.

Daniel looked at where Max was pointing, and his eyes rounded. "That\'s . .. . Evangeline and Lilybella?"

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