Da Tang Shuang Long Zhuan

Book 23 - 11 – Appointment with A Beauty

Xu Ziling was dumbstruck. For a long time now he has always thought that Yin Gui Pai stood outside of the real world like Ci Hang Jingzhai, that they were detached from Jianghu and society, that they were another kind of people who did not eat the food of common mortals. Yet, listening to Zheng Shiru now, he realized that they still need to earn money and make a living, just like everybody else. [Translator’s note: all ‘they’ referring to Yin Gui Pai are feminine.]

He said, “What Zheng Xiong revealed just now could be considered Yin Gui Pai’s big secret. Zheng Xiong is not afraid Zhu Yuyan won’t be happy?”

Zheng Shiru replied, “My humble father has passed away many years ago. Yin Gui Pai already has someone else to take my father’s place. I myself no longer have a direct relationship with them. Only because of my relationship with Bai Qing’er that I was helping Qian Duguan to manage Xiangyang. But now that my business with Bai Qing’er has come to a close, I don’t want to care about Yin Gui Pai’s affairs anymore.”

Puzzled, Xu Ziling asked, “Since that’s the case, Zheng Xiong do not need to explain everything to Xiaodi either; this will not bring you any benefit.”

“But it won’t bring any harm to me either,” Zheng Shiru replied with rueful smile, “For Xu Xiong, what I was just telling you can’t be considered a secret at all. The reason I explained the situation was that I really don’t want to stand as Xu Xiong’s enemy; even more, I don’t want Shuming to misunderstand me, thinking that I am a Yin Gui Pai man.”

Xu Ziling suddenly saw the light. But naturally he must not believe Zheng Shiru’s words that easily. Because if Zheng Shiru really gained control over the Yangtze River Alliance via Zheng Shuming, and Lin Shihong was really a Yin Gui Pai demon, then it would be catastrophic to their major undertaking.

It’s just that for the time being, it was difficult to find a way to verify whether what Zheng Shiru said was the truth or a lie. This extremely charming man was absolutely not simple.

Sighing, he said, “Time will tell whether Zheng Xiong is telling me the truth. It’s late! Zheng Xiong, please go back!”

Zheng Shiru smiled and said, “Xu Xiong must be extremely annoyed by my bothering you. Yuelai Inn is just around the corner ahead, how could Zaixia abandon you midway? Come!”

※ ※ ※

After three rounds of wine, Kou Zhong’s heart was moved; he asked Chen Changlin about the Song Family of Lingnan, “Where exactly is Lingnan? Is Changlin Xiong familiar with the Song Family over there?”

The five were sitting in a circle in the small garden at the rear courtyard; this house was one of Bu Tianzhi’s secret nests, it was not far from the Great River and was hidden deep in a small valley, a very good place to escape from the world.

The bright moon was hanging high in the sky, stirring up in Kou Zhong his wounded feeling of ‘round moon does not mean the person is round’ [not sure, 月圆人未圆], so that he was suddenly dying to know more about Song Yuzhi, who, by this time, had been returning to Lingnan.

Chen Laomou, showing off his seniority, answered instead, “Lingnan actually refers to Yuecheng, Dupang, Mengzhu, Qitian, and Dayu, these five ranges [separating Hunan and Jiangxi from south China, mainly Guangdong and Guangxi] encompassing a vast area in the south. My, Chen Laomou’s own mother was an outstanding beauty from the Zhuang ethnic group in Lingnan. Ha! At least my Die often bragged about her, ha!”

Everybody just smiled.

Chen Changlin said, “Lingnan is the Song Family’s territory. The Song Family operates beast of burden, jadeite, pearl and precious stones, rhinoceros and elephant, and other businesses involving local products. They started at Xiongqu and then grew into local political power. Because the mountain is high, the emperor is far, for the last five dynasties, no matter who the emperor is, he has to give the Song Family enough face. By the time the ‘Heavenly Saber’ Song Que took leadership, the Song Family reputation has already grown a hundredfold, and they enjoy majestic position in Jianghu. Within the Wulin world south of the Great River, no one dares to doubt his qualification as the number one saber expert in the world.”

“What about that Huang Gongcuo?” Kou Zhong asked, “What kind of ‘thing’ is he?”

With a cold snort Chen Laomou said, “Huang Gongcuo is not a ‘thing’, but a big [orig. confused ball]. His natural disposition is that he always shields his shortcomings, and is very temperamental. Although his martial art skill is quite high, no one in southern Wulin likes him. Potentially, he and the Song Family are like water and fire. However, after Song Que defeated Yue Shan, Nanhai Pai [South China Sea Sect] became silent even until today.”

Chen Changlin continued, “During the eighth year of Emperor Wen of Sui, the Sui Army captured Jiankang [old name for Nanjing], but the Song Family was unwilling to realign their allegiance to the new Emperor. Yang Jian then sent his great general Wei Xian to lead the troops to the foot of the mountain range, but he did not dare to enter Lingnan even for half a step. Later on, Sing Que observed the situation and formed a judgment; realizing that resisting the Sui would bring more harm than good, he changed his mind and went out of the mountain range to meet him, and accepted the title ‘Qiao Guo Gong’ [lit. duke of the Qiao State] the Sui dynasty conferring to him. Yang Jian personally granted him the right to form his own government, to set up his own government officials of Zhangshi [chief official historian] level and below. He gave him his seal, a right to develop his own military forces, and so on, just short of proclaiming him a ‘king’. It could be considered a very generous treatment.”

Bu Tianzhi said, “Ever since Yang Jian ascended the throne, all along Song Que was unwilling to enter the imperial court to present himself [to a superior], Yang Jian was helpless to deal with his steadfastness in resisting the enemy relying on inaccessible territory, and with his autonomy.”

“What a courageous spirit,” Kou Zhong praised.

Chen Laomou sneered and spoke sharp and unkind words, “Using pleasant words, we call him steadfast, but using unpleasant words, we call him stubborn. Song Que’s appearance is very handsome; in the past he enchanted countless beautiful women, yet evidently he had a heart of stone. At first, he wanted to remain single and did not want to get married, afterwards, due to the family pressure, he had no choice but to marry, but unexpectedly he picked an ugly woman to be his wife, so that the woman who loved him the most more or less nearly killed herself to give vent to the grievance in her heart. Ha! This man’s action is really unpredictable.”

Kou Zhong jumped in fright, thinking that fortunately Song Yuzhi took after her father, otherwise it would be terrible.

Luo Qifei was amused, “Mou Gong is really funny,” he said with a laugh.

Kou Zhong pondered, “I understand how Song Que’s prestige could rise over the southern sky. The reason he married an ugly woman as his wife must be so that he could devote his aspiration to the way of the saber. Otherwise, if he indulged himself in the delight of the lady’s chamber, it could naturally weaken his will to fight.”

Bu Tianzhi nodded and said, “Shao Shuai’s conjecture ought to be pretty close; very insightful.”

Chen Laomou laughed and said, “Song Que must be thinking that going to bed [orig. 行房 - a euphemism for sexual intercourse] must be a hard work, without even half a bit of pleasure.”

Kou Zhong asked, “Anybody know the relationship between Song Que and Zhu Yuyan?”

Everybody shook his head in bewilderment.

Looking up at the bright moon in the sky, Kou Zhong was thinking of seeing Song Que first, and then he thought about Song Yuzhi, and his heart was boiling.

If right now he were to go to Lingnan immediately, would Song Yuzhi change her mind?

He hated it that at the moment he could not spare time for a separate task, therefore, he would never know the answer to that question.

But was he really unable to spare some time?

※ ※ ※

The inn was extremely quiet; there was only one old shopkeeper dozing off by the door. The sound of the two men pushing the door and stepping inside was still not enough to wake him up. Perhaps the receptionist and the other workers of the inn were slipping away into the street like a swarm of bees to enjoy the excitement of the Lantern Festival.

Zheng Shiru cleared his throat. Only then did the old shopkeeper opened his eyes; with blurry vision he looked at the two men up and down.

Zheng Shiru greeted him and said, “My friend here is surnamed Xu; has anybody booked a room for him here?”

Xu Ziling’s handsome face was burning with embarrassment. Although Zheng Shiru could only be counted as half of an enemy, but having his lie uncovered in front of his face was hard to take.

The old shopkeeper nodded his head incessantly, “Right!” he said, “There was a Qin Gongzi booked a room for Xu Gongzi; he already paid for three nights of accommodation.”

While undoubtedly it was quite surprising for Zheng Shiru, Xu Ziling was dumbstruck as well. How did Shi Feixuan make such an appropriate arrangement?

Apologizing, Zheng Shiru said, “Turns out I really misunderstood Xu Xiong, so Zaixia will not dare to garrulously disturb you anymore.”

After leaving the address where he could be contacted, he left without saying anything.

Being left alone, Xu Ziling was feeling relaxed and comfortable. He went to the public bathroom first to soak himself, and then, after stuffing his belly with a couple of wild fruits that he picked along the way, he sat cross-legged on the bed to meditate.

Recalling the encounter on the plank walkway, he felt lucky of having a new lease of life.

Originally he thought about going out to the street to find Shi Qingxuan’s fragrant footprints, however, remembering the street was so crowded that he was unable to move a single step, he had no choice but to dispel this idea. Besides, since she was not in the secluded forest of the small valley, Yang Xuyan would be pouncing an empty space. Therefore, she ought to be safe for the time being.

This beauty’s flute art was matchless under the heavens, her style was even more faintly indiscernible and hard to fathom, so that others would find it difficult to tell whether it was real or merely a fantasy.

He also thought about how earlier he already made up his mind not to come to this inn where Shi Feixuan wanted to meet him. Who would have thought that somehow Zheng Shiru steered his steps and confused his direction, and then the ghosts shoved the gods pushed, he ended up in this inn anyway. Evidently fate has a way to render him helpless to act independently.

After letting his thoughts ran wild for quite a moment, his mind gradually entered the the-thousand-thought-vanished realm of the Way [Dao/Tao]. The true qi within his body flowed naturally, the empty space inside expanded infinitely, the barely-there remaining internal injury quickly faded away.

After nobody knows how much time has passed, suddenly his heart was moved, and he regained his senses.

Then there was a soft knock on his door.

Shi Feixuan’s sweet, clear and melodious voice spoke tenderly outside the door, “Xu Xiong! Is it convenient for Feixuan to come in?”

Xu Ziling was greatly surprised. It had never occurred to him that Shi Feixuan would be willing to come into a man’s room, even if there was not the slightest bit of man-woman intimate contact. Hurriedly he jumped out of bed and pulled the door open.

Shi Feixuan, still wearing men’s clothing, was standing charmingly outside the door. Her deep and impenetrable beautiful eyes were flashing with strange light.

Xu Ziling retreated to the side and said, “Please come in.”

With light lotus steps, carrying the fresh and clean fragrance that was uniquely hers, Shi Feixuan came into the room. Sweeping the room with her eyes, she said with a smile, “This room is quite spacious, I hope it is to Xu Xiong’s satisfaction?”

Standing behind her, Xu Ziling said, “For someone who has slept in the wild, mountainous country for the past few months, this is like a luxurious mansion!”

Shi Feixuan let out an indifferent, “Oh?” and then, under Xu Ziling’s polite bidding she sat down on a chair by the table. Waiting for Xu Ziling to sit down properly opposite her, Shi Feixuan smiled sweetly and said, “When I booked this room for Ziling Xiong, I did not think that Ziling Xiong would really come. Who would have thought that Ziling Xiong is really willing to do me the honor? This is really beyond Feixuan’s expectation.”

Xu Ziling had to smile wryly in return and said, “Why would Miss think that I would not come?”

Shi Feixuan lightly shrugged her fragrant shoulders and said, “That’s just a subtle reaction that I sensed when a person came in contact with another person. Ziling Xiong made Feixuan feel that you are the kind of person who can cast anything that cause complications away and simply ignore them. I wonder if Feixuan has misjudged you?”

Laughing calmly, Xu Ziling said, “Miss praises me too much! I am far inferior to that servant boy who concocted pills of immortality; how could I have such ability?”

Shi Feixuan stared deep in his eyes with her beautiful gaze; she said, “Perhaps Xu Xiong don’t realize it yourself, but compared to the last time I saw Xu Xiong, your personality traits have changed; evidently you have had fortuitous meeting on the mountain.”

Neither confirming nor denying, Xu Ziling replied, “You can say there’s a little bit of that!”

No longer pursuing this matter, Shi Feixuan asked, “Has Ziling Xiong decided when you are going to set off toward the secluded forest of the small valley?”

Xu Ziling sat back comfortably in his chair and shook his head, “I am not going!” he replied.

Shi Feixuan was stunned, “Wasn’t it the purpose of Ziling Xiong’s trip this time?” she asked.

Being able to surprise Shi Feixuan, Xu Ziling felt wicked satisfaction in his heart, but then he was amused by his own childish thought. Meeting the opposite party’s shining-luminously spirited eyes, he responded indifferently, “Something came up, I need to change plan. May I ask how long will Miss Shi be here?”

Frowning, Shi Feixuan stared at him for quite a while. Suddenly she let out a bitter smile and said, “Turns out Ziling Xiong is still blaming Feixuan. Actually, Feixuan really have another important matter so that I was forced to part company with Ziling Xiong while rushing toward Chengdu. Originally I did not intend to explain, but now I will have to explain!”

A strange feeling welled up in Xu Ziling’s heart, but he could not tell what kind of feeling it was.

Averting her gaze, Shi Feixuan slightly raised her cicada head to look at the full moon hanging high in the night sky outside the window. She spoke smoothly, “Don’t think that Feixuan did not care about anything. Feixuan made an exception by booking this room for Ziling Xiong, it was for the sole purpose of expressing my regret. Feixuan often see myself like a solid rock in the stream. Although every moment every instant the water flows over the rock, it will only make the rock smoother, without leaving any traces at all. But people are not rocks, Feixuan also has feeling.”

Xu Ziling’s heart was shaken, he was speechless.

Shi Feixuan turned her gaze back to him, her countenance also returned to its usual tranquil, calm and composed expression. She said, “What I just said has already surpassed what Feixuan is accustomed to speak. This time Feixuan going down the mountain, setting my foot on the world of the living, naturally it was because I received a mission from my master. But there is also a hidden intention of entering the world for spiritual cultivation. The highest xinfa in the Jingzhai is that one must enter the world before one could cultivate virtue, not by building a cart behind closed doors at all.”

After staring blankly at her for half a day, Xu Ziling asked, “What xinfa is that? Aren’t both Buddhists and Taoists speak about the four elements are vanity [idiom: this world is an illusion], purification of defiling illusion, and letting things take their own course [Daoist doctrine of inaction]? Why do you have to mingle among the secular world and be bothered by trivial things to succeed?”

Shi Feixuan serenely replied, “Confucian school differentiates between single-benevolence for the body, double-benevolence for the world. Buddhism school also differentiates between Hinayana and Mahayana. ‘If I don’t go to hell, who will?’ is precisely the act of sacrifice. My humble Zhai’s [i.e. Ci Hang Jingzhai] ‘Ci Hang Sword Canon’ has a principle of ‘broken and then standing, crumbling and then rising up’. Evidently those who can’t stand the test and being sharpened on grindstone cannot become very capable person. My humble Zhai’s highest xinfa is known as ‘Jian Xin Tongming’ [the heart of the sword is brightly lit]. Among my worthy predecessors of successive generations, there has never been anyone who could cultivate virtue by ‘closing the door and defending oneself’. So much so that even on the second highest xinfa ‘Xin You Lingxi’ [mutual sensitivity of the heart], it was rare that anybody could master it; precisely because it is easy to break, but difficult to stand. Xiuxin Shibo actually had the highest prospect of climbing into the ‘Jian Xin Tongming’ level, but because of her relationship with Shi Zhixuan, she could only stop at the ‘Xin You Lingxi’ level. Yet she was an exception rather than the norm.”

Embarrassed, Xu Ziling said, “Does Miss imply that Xiaodi is one of the obstacles in Miss’s virtue cultivation? In that case I have the reason to be very proud.”

Shi Feixuan has never anticipated that Xu Ziling might blurt out this sentence. Giggling tenderly, she said, “Now you are a bit like Kou Zhong! No wonder the two of you could become brothers in hardship. Feixuan did not intentionally make that implication. By willing to stop at the inn to meet you to repay you, I just want to tell you that I am not as heartless as you thought.”

Xu Ziling did not dare to reveal the truth even more, but his mood was considerably better. He said, “I must have shown indignation that is hard to quell that Miss is compelled to waste your time to explain everything.”

Shi Feixuan nodded and said, “It should have a bit of influence. First, I asked you what happened on the way here, you responded evasively. And then, I asked you when you are going to the secluded forest of the small valley, you responded indifferently. The reason of your indignation must be me!”

Xu Ziling’s old face turned red; he said, “It was because I am afraid to be a vain lowly person that I feel some things are inconvenient to mention. It was not because I wanted to deliberately conceal it from you. Would Miss please forgive me?”

Emotionally moved, Shi Feixuan said, “Is it possible for you to tell me? Feixuan would never regard Ziling Xiong as a lowly person who sow discord between people.”

After slight hesitation, Xu Ziling said, “I was attacked by Hou Xibai on the plank walkway of the Great Mount Ba and nearly lost my life. What does Miss think of this?”

Shi Feixuan’s jet-black eyebrows were knitted together as she asked, “Did he really want to kill you?”

Recalling what happened at that time, Xu Ziling replied slowly, “I do have that feeling. But later on he acted like an old friend, saying that he must pretend like he simply had to kill me to force me to fight him for real. But when we fought, it was definitely a desperate fight, unlike a friendly contest to amuse ourselves.”

Smiling, Shi Feixuan said, “You are the kind of person that ordinarily stand aloof; only when chatting like this you are revealing your true temperament. The fact is, I am not the least bit surprised of him challenging you. Earlier he confided in me that he wanted to experience the ultimate art that you and Kou Zhong learned from the ‘Secret to Long Life’.”

Surprised, Xu Ziling said, “You still trust him that much.”

Shi Feixuan replied indifferently, “I can only say what I observed. If Hua Jian Pai can travel on the right track because of him, won’t it be an enormously good thing?”

How could Xu Ziling say anything after that? Originally, he wanted to tell her about Hou Xibai planning on ambushing him in Yangzhou, but now he had no choice but to swallow it back into his belly, and felt his interest dwindling very quickly.

Shi Feixuan spoke softly, “Toward him and toward Ziling Xiong, I do have a bit of different feeling; I am still wary toward him. Does Ziling Xiong understand?”

Xu Ziling’s heart was still cooling down, fast. He spoke slowly, “I might as well tell you this: just now I caught a graceful glimpse of Miss Shi in the city, but I did not have any chance to talk to her. That’s the reason I do not intend on going to the secluded forest of the small valley.”

Revealing a surprised look, Shi Feixuan was deep in thought for half a day. Suddenly she said, “Would Ziling Xiong be interested in going out with Feixuan to the city to see the Lantern Festival tonight?”

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