Moonlight Demon (GL LITRPG)

Chapter 6

Ash was sitting on the church\'s floor. She turned and tossed the white crown a few times, staring at it almost as if she were afraid that the instant she took her eyes off the thing it would disappear.

"Your equipment is ready, de-... Savior," a priest said with audible disgust. No one was happy to hear that she was accepted as the next Savior, but they were all aware that they had no choice. There were no other alternatives, no back-ups. Ash was all they had. She didn\'t care. She wasn\'t happy about helping them either. She accepted the title for one reason and one reason only, and that was the coin in her hands and the hope that it would multiply.

"Coming," she told the priest and stood up. What the hell have you gotten yourself into, Ash? She asked herself. Well, whatever. If it makes me rich, good. If I die doing this, maybe that\'s good too.

She followed the priest to a spacious room where multiple soldier-looking types were waiting. Earlier, they had taken her measurements and now there was some strange armor waiting on a rack. It looked like a leather bra, iron gloves, small iron pauldrons, leather shorts, and iron boots.

"So, you lied?" Ash said. "I don\'t think Saviors go into battle wearing underwear, even if it is made of iron."

"I hope you understand," she heard the archpriest Varcon say behind her, "we must be sure that you are a capable learner before entrusting you with an armor of a higher quality. Once you\'ve proven yourself, you will have access to the finest equipment Saviors get."

"Yeah?" Ash raised a brow. It\'s not like I thought lying was above them or anything, but still. It\'s pretty fucking annoying. "So, what happens now?" She asked, her hands touching the armor and feeling it out.

"Now, you receive a weapon and after that, an assistant."


"Think of them as as a squire or chronicler. Whoever is selected will help you train and jot down what you do, just to make sure you aren\'t wasting your time, and therefore ours as well."

"A training dummy that doubles as a walking, talking diary?" Ash asked with a sigh.

"Next week, your training will begin."

"What exactly does that mean?" Ash asked.

"You will be leaving Jade."

As he said that, Ash turned to look at him. The sentence made her clench her fists. She\'d never been outside of Jade, it was not something she felt too comfortable with. Well, that is what I signed up for, I guess.

"You will be visiting each of the retired Saviors. Each one will impart their wisdom and knowledge onto you." Varcon said.

"Huh, seems like the world isn\'t in much of a hurry to be saved then," Ash replied. "I can\'t imagine that won\'t take long."

"Oh, do not misunderstand," he countered, "you will start completing missions immediately, while you train. Though, the missions will be of a lower difficulty until you finish your training."

"… Alright." Ash turned back to the armor. Seem simple enough.

"Go take a shower if you wish, then, put the armor on. After that, you will be given a weapon and once that\'s done, you will be free to go and do as you wish. Well, for a week, of course."

"How do you know I won\'t run away?" Ash asked.

"That white crown I gave you won\'t even last the month, I\'m sure of it." Varcon shrugged. "I doubt you\'d want to miss out on the opportunity to get more of those." When Ash didn\'t reply, he continued. "Once a week has passed, we will find you and you will be sent to your first trainer."

"Okay." Ash nodded. "So, where\'s this bathroom at?"

She was led to it and left alone. Once inside, she took her rags off. It felt so strange, knowing that she wouldn\'t ever pick them back up again. She planned to buy some clothes, after all. She looked at herself in the mirror. Dirty white hair, a few stains from unknown sources on her skin. She swore she could even feel insects crawling up and down her body.

But, after today, she\'d never be the same. Whether she would live or die she didn\'t know, but that much was certain. Her life would fundamentally change. After the shower, she emerged feeling as refreshed as ever. She didn\'t bother using the towel that had been left on the doorknob and instead, walked out naked.

With nothing covering her, she walked up to a group of priests.

"So, where\'s the armor again?"

Despite a series of intense blushes, she was led back to the earlier room. After she put it all on, Varcon walked in.

"Your weapon will be brought to you," Varcon said.

"So, I\'ve been wondering," Ash said. "Who made you the leader?" She asked. "Archpriest or whatever. Did you get to inherit it? Did they vote on you?"

"Ah, no. This title was given to me by the previous archpriest. The order to have me succeed him was his dying wish, actually."

"So, what, everyone just agreed? What if there was a better option?"

"I would not expect you to understand how humans operate." He replied.

"… Man, you are out to piss me off, aren\'t you?"

"I am beginning to enjoy doing so, yes." He answered. "I have a question of my own," he started, "you seem to be in remarkable shape, despite being impoverished. How is that?"

"And why should I tell you?" Ash asked.

"If we are going to work together, it would be good if I knew your strengths, so I could assign more fitting missions to you, wouldn\'t you say?"

Ash stared at him for a second.

"My trait," she replied, "Iron Stomach."

She brought up her status and let him see that. She didn\'t let him see her attributes though. If someone else wanted to check your stats, they could only see your Level and Mana Points. Everything else was up to you to let them see, and in that sense, information was fairly important. Maybe he was hoping I\'d show more? She wondered.

"My body doesn\'t care what I put into my mouth," she shrugged. "It processes it all the same way. When I said I\'ve been eating trash, I wasn\'t lying, but to my body, it\'s been the same as eating full-course meals every day."

"Ah… Interesting."

The weapon that was brought in was unlike anything Ash had ever seen. Does this even classify as a weapon? It was simply a golden cube, small enough for Ash to put in her pockets.

"What the hell is that?" Ash asked.

"This is a Savior\'s weapon," Varcon explained. "It was crafted by the greatest blacksmiths in the high reaches of Saphira. A Savior must be ready for anything, you are not truly one individual, you carry with you the hopes and goals of every combatant near you, you are the army you protect, and so a weapon was made that reflects this."

"Okay, but how do I use it? Do I throw this at people?"

"If such a weapon exists, then yes."

"What?" Ash didn\'t get it.

"Simply put, this weapon will turn into any weapon you want it to." He finally explained. "With one condition, it has to be a weapon you\'ve seen before."

"How the fuck does that work?" Ash asked.

"I assume you\'ve seen a sword before, no? Hold the cube up and speak the word to yourself, then use your will to change the item. It will become that item, made of a golden, divine material."

What the fuck?

Ash took the cube and held it up. Okay, okay. Let\'s see how this works. Sword!

A flash of golden light nearly blinded her. She reached up with her free hand to cover her eyes. When the flash ceased, she brought it back down. In her left hand was an iron sword, with her fingers wrapped around the hilt.

"Seriously?" She couldn\'t believe her eyes.

"Anything you\'ve seen, this weapon can become. However, in order for it to take up its golden form, you must bind it to yourself. Go ahead."

"Alright, how?"

"Turn it back into its cube form and hold it to your chest. You should see some Options after that."

She nodded. Cube. It turned back into what it was. She held it to her chest and words popped up.

[Discovered Passive Trait!]


Selected as a representative of Magia. Gain multiple passive traits.

[New unidentified traits!]


Did I always have that? Anyway, I\'ll have to find out what those new ones are too. Ash thought.

[Beginning fusion]

NOTE: The fused cube will become a unique named item, with its name being your defining characteristic as determined by the System.

So, what, this thing is gonna be called Homeless? She chuckled.


Yes       No

Fuck it, yes!

The golden light returned. This time, Ash did not have to shield her eyes, as it was less explosive and more focused than before. Instead, she watched as golden tendrils formed between her chest and the cube. Then, the tendrils sank into the cube, becoming one word.


What? Ash tilted her head.

These words came up.

Isn\'t "lust" like my sex drive or something? She was confused. I\'m a virgin. The only run-ins I\'ve had with sex have been random homeless dudes trying to **** me, which never succeeded. How is my "defining characteristic" lust?

As debatable as she believed it to be, the word "Lust" was firmly carved into the golden cube.

"Very well then." Varcon didn\'t seem to have much to say about the word that emerged. "You are free to go."

"Hold up," Ash told him, "why are you giving me this? You didn\'t give me Savior-level armor, but you give me their weapon?"

"Well, simply put, two reasons." He held up a finger. "You do need some proof of your status as a Savior to operate, and you\'ll notice your Savior-specific trait didn\'t come up until you received that item. Second," he raised another one, "those are easier to make and enemies can\'t use them as they bond to you specifically. If you go out and die, we can simply make more and we don\'t have to be afraid that anyone picked up your item and is using it against us."

"... So, that\'s it?" Ash asked.

"Yes, for one week. Now, we will recruit the one who will aid you, and a week from now, you will be located and your duties will begin."

Ash sighed, holding the cube in her left hand.

"Alright. Bye." She said curtly and walked right past the man.

She already had an idea of what she would do next. First, she had to take a trip to the Golden Bank of Jade and trade the golden crown she\'d gotten in for some regular money. Then, she had a date with the warmest, most comfortable inn she could find.

It had been so long since she\'d slept on a proper bed. She needed it. Needed it more than she needed to taste regular food or buy actual clothing. The people in the church watched her walk by with sneers and scowls but she couldn\'t care less. She paid them no mind as she exited the building.

However, there was one person standing outside who did make her stop.

Kairo, the old monk, was standing there, hunched over. He looked up at her as she paced down the steps to the church, clad in her armor and carrying the cube and the coin.

"Did it go well?" He asked.

"How\'d you know I was here?"

"I heard from someone that two priests picked you up. So, I came here." He shrugged. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah." She showed off her armor, spinning in place so he could see her body. "I… I got a job, I guess."

"Yes?" He asked.

"I\'m going to be a Savior."

"Oh my," the monk looked down at the floor. It was starting to get darker out. "That is fairly unexpected."

"Unexpected is putting it lightly, but yeah." Ash shrugged. "I\'m not too happy about what I\'m going to be doing, but hey the pay sounds fucking nice!" She chuckled.

"Hm. A Savior..." He mumbled.

"So," Ash ignored him, "how about I pay you back?"

"What?" He blinked.

"You know, get you something to eat. It\'s only fair, right? You\'ve bought me so much shit."

"No, no." The monk shook his head. "It is alright. I do not need to be repaid."

"Okaaay, think of it as an invitation then. Some food, on me. What do you say?"

The monk sighed.

"The first thing every young person does when they get money is go spend it all. The more things change the more they stay the same. Very well, as a celebration."


His eyes went to the cube in Ash\'s hands for a moment. An emotion Ash couldn\'t identify flickered through his portrait before he shook his head and turned around.

"Let\'s go."


Back in the church, Varcon sat in front of the crystal, watching it. The room was dimly lit with nothing but magically lit candles blazing at the corners. A deacon walked up to him.

"Sir, are you sure we can trust her?" He asked.

"Not at all." He replied, without taking his eyes off Magia\'s blessed item. "She clearly holds no love for us. Even if she accomplishes her duties, she could tarnish our image."

"Then, what do we do?"

"... Control." He replied. "We need to control her, but in order to put chains around an enemy, the first step is to know who that enemy is. Deacon, go to the Archives and research her. She\'s a street rat, so there won\'t be too much to go on, but I know there\'s something. Everyone has something they care about. Something that can be used. If nothing else, we\'ll want her to keep her mouth shut."

The deacon nodded, bowed, and walked away.

Magia... He shook his head. My lady. He looked back to a statue depicting the goddess and looked into its eyes. Why her? I know you chose this hybrid for a reason... But I do not yet see it. The statue offered no response. Maybe someday I will understand.

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