The Demon Lord and his Hero (BL)

Chapter 257 - Kings

The mage leapt off his throne. Rowan was being impulsive, Syryn decided. 

"Let\'s not make any hasty decisions while under the influence of jealousy."

"Ryn, you have no idea do you? I had been so worried about you. I even lost weeks of sleep wondering if you were dead or alive. And all this while as I searched for my lover, he was busy frolicking with a merman."

Rowan looked far too dejected to be acting. The mage had no idea why he cared so much about a person he couldn\'t remember, but he just did.

"I promise I had no idea that hugs meant anything more than that, Rowan. I wasn\'t frolicking with anyone!"

The mage was now beside the anti mage.. He stood in front of Rowan\'s sitting figure. They locked eyes and a frisson of electricity ran down Syryn\'s spine. Warmth blossomed in his chest like a rose, beautiful and fragrant. It was a strange feeling that Syryn wanted to bottle up. He would cup that warmth between his palms when he was cold.

Rowan\'s gaze on him was a burning brand. Neither wanted to say anything because it would break the spell that had taken over them.

Syryn moved and Rowan reciprocated. A gentle kiss ensued that took his breath away. The mage fell into the anti mage\'s lap and was kissed with a tender fierceness that communicated Rowan\'s eagerness and care. The blond hugged Syryn tight against him and revelled in the feeling of finally holding his Syryn in his arms.

When they pulled apart, it was because Rowan sensed more mers approaching. This time, there was an army of them coming.


Syryn was still thinking about the kiss even though he could see mer soldiers coming their way. Several hundreds of them mounted on sharks that were trained for battle.

He still hadn\'t decided whether he wanted to fully trust Rowan\'s words but the chemistry between them did not lie. How it escalated into a kiss like that flummoxed the mage. And he was the one that had made the first move so Syryn had no reason to blame Rowan. Why did he kiss him? Why did it feel so damn good?

And for good measure, Syryn turned around and grabbed the blond by the lapels. He tugged the man\'s head down and stuck his tongue in, tasting the delicious mouth whose ambrosia was as heady as it was warm.

"Rowan," he said to the blond who looked happier than he had since they\'d met. "You better not be lying to me about anything because I will remember. And when I do, if I find that you\'ve deceived me, I\'ll feed you to Levia."

Syryn wasn\'t sure why but he had been hit by a sense of crisis. He didn\'t know the man and he was already falling for him. How had his past self not fallen in love already when Rowan was this charming? It could only mean that something was wrong between them or that Rowan had a side that prevented the past Syryn from falling in love with the anti mage.

Rowan briefly nodded at Syryn and turned to take in the sight of hundreds of mers that had surrounded them.

"More fish food closing in on their expiry dates?" He asked the mage.

"They killed me, pushed me down an abyss where I drowned to death." Syryn was looking at the mer king who was seated on an enormous shark. He missed the flash of darkness in Rowan\'s eyes.

"What do you mean they killed you?" His voice came out steadier than he had anticipated.

Syryn smiled and it was poisonous. His smile was directed at the mer king.

"I died and came back to life. Maybe someone up there pitied me."

Rowan noticed the mage\'s gaze fixed to a mer with purple scales. His crown glittered though there wasn\'t much light. He had a barrel-like chest with battle scars littered all over his skin. They were trophies that he displayed to prove his prowess to the other mers. Even the shark he rode upon was larger than the others.

"You want him dead," Rowan flatly stated. He could read Syryn like an open book. His man hated the mer who was wearing a crown.

"Death is too easy a punishment for someone like him," the mage spat out. The mer king had murdered the oracle and framed Syryn for the crime. He had humiliated him, orchestrated a parade meant to degrade him, and then finally sent Syryn to a watery death. No, he wasn\'t going to be satisfied with a simple death. The King had to suffer for his crimes against Syryn.

With a sneer on his face, Syryn flopped down onto the throne and posed himself most disrespectfully. One leg hanging off the armrest on the throne, the mage slouched like he was seated upon a common armchair.

The reaction was instantaneous. Mer guards unsheathed their weapons. There was a loud hue and cry of disapproval and anger.

How dare the lowly human sit on the throne? How dare he treat it with such callousness? Without exception, every single mer wore a bloodthirsty expression. They were ready to stab Syryn and fling him off the throne. But they also had to obey their king who had his arm raised, a command that no one was to make a move.

The mer king then boldly broke off from the formation and approached the humans. Directing his gaze at Syryn, he looked down upon him from his great height upon the shark. The mer king was larger than Syryn in every aspect. His shoulder was wider, height taller, and even his aura was sharper than Syryn\'s.

"How did you escape the hand of death?"

Syryn languidly smiled at the crowned mer.

"I made a deal with the reaper. I told him that in exchange for my life, I would send along the soul of the mer king."

The King laughed. And Syryn laughed with him.

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